94 Answers Level 13 Poker

94% is a new game for iPhone, iPad, and Android that is quickly becoming very popular. With it's family feud style gameplay, getting through the levels can be challenging as you need to find keywords that make up 94 percent of common answers to simple questions. A great way to pass each level is to think what a big group of people would say, as many times that will be different than what you might think. This game is proof though that sometimes the simplest of answers are the hardest to figure out. You can play with a friend or two as well to have a better chance at getting everything right. But if you still are struggling, here are the 94% answer suggestions to Level 36-50. Depending on where you are located or the recent game updates, the answers may vary slightly, but these will definitely put you on the right track for getting through this addicting game.
Level 36:

You must guess usually five or six answers to each question. If you get stuck on a single questions and you’re looking for 94 Percent Answers to the question Fattening Food, the following tips will maybe help to solve the level. In other articles, we have summarized further answers and solutions to other 94% questions. 94% Christmas Answers.

Something You Use Every Day: Toilet Car Clothes Water Bed Brush Hair Computer Wind Instruments: Flute Clarinet Trumpet Saxophone Oboe Trombone Tuba Harmonica Picture Keywords (Factory): Factory Fire Pollution Industrial Power Plant Oil Level 37: Things needed for cooking: Pan Oven Pot Spoon Spatula Stove Knife Bowl Jewelry: Necklace Ring Bracelet Earrings Diamond Watch Picture Keywords (Land Rover and Bull): Animals Safari Car Africa Bull Herd

94% Answers Level 4

94% answers level 194 Answers Level 13 PokerLevel 38:

94% Answers Level 2

You can’t buy it: Love Happiness Health Friendship Family Time Species of fish: Salmon Bass Trout Clown Catfish Tuna Goldfish Cod Shark Flounder Picture Keywords (Kids with binoculars): Safari Binoculars Children Exploring Africa Bird Watching Level 39:

94% Answers Level 1

Poker: Cards Money Gambling Chips Aces Face Game Bluff Table It’s good for you, but you don’t like it: Vegetables Exercise Water Fruit Medicine Work Picture Keywords (Beehive): Honey Bee Hive Honeycomb Level 40: You eat with bread: Butter jam Soup Cheese Peanut-butter Meat Something you do while on the phone: Talk Text Games Facebook Walk Eat Music Picture Keywords (Japanese house & lake): Asia Peace Beautiful Water Temple Level 41: San Francisco: Golden Gate Bridge California 49ers Hills Bay Alcatraz Girls’ names ending in A: Anna Amanda Emma Alyssa Andrea Maria Jessica Picture Keywords (cart in supermarket): Cart Food Shopping Supermarket Aisle 94% answers all levelsLevel 42: Things you wear around your neck: Necklace Scarf Tie Collar Lanyard Couple: Love Two Relationship Together Married Kiss Picture Keywords (Wood log and axe): Wood Axe Chop Snow Fire Level 43: Mouse: Cheese Cat Small Computer Trap Rat Squeak Tail A change of: Clothes Mind Heart Time Pace Scenery Weather Flour, egg and butter picture: Egg Butter Flour Baking Rolling pin Cookie cutter Level 44:

94% Answers Level 3

It’s difficult to say: Love Sorry Goodbye Truth Break up Baby: Diaper Cry Cute Bottle Small Love Milk Pacifier Picture Keywords (Donut): Doughnuts Sprinkles Colors Icing Sweet Level 45: Reptiles: Lizard Snake Crocodile Turtle Something you never have enough time to do: Sleep Homework Clean Relax Exercise Eat Read Picture Keywords (Moon): Moon Night Dark Crescent Sky Level 46: Something found in a castle: King Princess Knight Throne Crown Dungeon Sword Armor Chair Star Wars: Luke Darth Vader Yoda Light Saber Space Jedi R2D2 The Force Skywalker Picture Keywords (Dolphin in pool): Pool Dolphin Water Float Summer Blue Level 47:

94% Answers All Levels

Harry Potter: Wizard Magic Wand Scar Hogwarts Ron Hermione Glasses Pizza toppings: Cheese Pepperoni Ham Pineapple Sausage Olives Mushrooms Tomato Sea underwater picture: Coral Fish Ocean Sun Level 48: A pair of…: Shoes Socks Pants Glasses Gloves Earrings Eyes Scissors Picture Keywords (Chocolate): Yummy Candy Sweet Cake Milk Brown Dark Easter People crossing street: Busy People City Road Crossing Car

94% Answers Level 7

Level 49: Things associated with Egypt: Pyramids Sand Mummies Pharaoh Cleopatra Sphinx Nile Marine animals: Fish Dolphin Whale Seal Turtle Jellyfish Picture Keywords (Feet in a water picture): Feet Fish Water Pedicure Skin Spa Toes Level 50: Parents: Mom Dad Love Strict Children Caring Family Dog: Bark Fur Pet Cute Cat Tail Puppy Bone Picture Keywords (Toucan bird picture): Toucan Bird Colorful Tree Beak Tropical 94% Answers Level 51-75