Pokemon Blue Slot Games

Pokemon red slot machine



Unable to find the encounter slots online for the Pokemon games and after listening to the concerns of other players, I decided to take the initiative and host them myself.
Of course I take no credit for determining the slots in the game--huge thanks to all the developers and data miners for that! I'm just trying to make the encounter slots a little more accessible.
So feel free to clicks the links to find the appropriate tables. If you find anything out of place that needs editing, please message me over at Smogon (as shiny finder) or Reddit (as shi_fi). As usual, any RNG questions can also be directed to the 3rd/4th/7th gen and 5th gen forums at Smogon. Thanks! ^_^

Pokemon Blue Slot Games

Pokemon Red And Blue Game

One of Pokemon's most unique and endearing aspects is its multiplayer nature. Pokemon can be traded or battled with friends via the link cable, adding tons of long-term play incentive. Additionally, those who buy only the Red or Blue versions of the game can't capture all 150 Pokemon without trading - each cart contains 139 Pokemon.


Pokemon Blue Slot Machine

  1. What the the odds of the various slot machines in the Game Corner? Which machines have the best odds? In both the original Red/Blue/Green/Yellow versions, as well as the remade FireRed/LeafGreen versions, an NPC tells to the player that she thinks the slot machines in the Celadon City Game Corner have varying odds.
  2. Blue holds a very special place in my heart. Do I want to go back and play it, not really I love all of the newer things that are in the games coming out now versus the older games. I still love the look of the games though. All of the pokemon games have kept a very wholesome feel to them.