Argumentative Essay Should Gambling Legalized

Should Gambling be Legal? – Essay Sample – Essay Sample One of the most common arguments, used by the proponents of gambling legalization in the United States of America, is that from the historical perspective it was and is common for our country. Let us write or edit the essay on your topic 'Argumentative (Should marijuana be legalized in the U.S.)' with a personal 20% discount. GRAB THE BEST PAPER We use cookies to create the best experience for you.

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What is gambling? According to www. dictionary. com gambling is taking a risk in the hope of gaining an advantage or a benefit. Gambling has been around for centuries and has been dated way back to 1492. People have been gambling in America ever since America was found. There are numerous underground cards clubs and casinos all over the country and in major cities. People gamble on everything: sports evens, dice, and cards. Even though people gamble every day in the United States, it is still illegal.

People do gamble everyday, so why is it not legal.

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Gambling should be legalized. There are tons of ways to gamble. Anybody can pretty much gamble or make a bet on anything. Some major games though are cards. People play games such as poker or blackjack. Also, betting on horses and dogs has been around quit a bit. The biggest form of gambling though is the lottery. Most of these games and events are already legal such has the track and the lottery, but why are regular games like poker and blackjack illegal? Why gamble? What good can come from gambling? Gambling can help our economy by keeping money here in out on state.

“Proponents say it keeps money in the state” (Legalized Gambling 2). Another huge reason on why gambling should be legalized in the fact that it would draw a huge number of tourism to our state. “It could also attract potential tourist to the area. Tourist with money to spend, not just in the casinos, but at local restaurants, hotels and shops” (Legalized Gambling 2). This statement not only proves that it would bring tourist, but also that the local area would thrive as well because tourist would be spending money at other places such as hotels and restaurants. It would make the state richer. Why not gamble?

According to the Legalized Gambling article in paragraph three some people say that gambling would increase crime, which in return would mean would need more police and more money spent on the police. “Many feel that casinos will cause an increase in crime which means increased money spent on police” (Legalized Gambling 3). Many say it would cause people to become addicted, and the homes and families of these people would be ruined. “Some also believe that more Arkansans will develop gambling addictions which will lead to decay in the homes of these people and a general decay of family life in Arkansas” (Legalized Gambling 3).

Although this article in referring to Arkansas, the points are very relative to our state of Pennsylvania. If gambling were legalized, there would be more jobs. Jobs are very important especially now in our society. Hundreds of people do not have jobs. Jobs will be open for new casino card dealers for example. More transportation will be need for people to get to the casinos, and since there will be more people coming we will need transportation to other areas as well. Also, the local businesses like hotels and restaurants will be booming.

As a result, more jobs will be needed to up keep these facilities. Not only will gambling supply more jobs, but also the local taxes will go down. All gambling winnings are taxable. When a person wins the World Series of Poker, the winnings are taxed. Also, the casinos will have to pay taxes, which will result in lower taxes such as school taxes and so forth. This will keep most of the money in the state as well. Over in Jersey, gambling was one of the main sources of income for the state back in 1857.

“Legal gambling has become a $10 billion industry in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, and the states, which are collecting $500 million a year in gambling revenues, are becoming more dependent on it to balance their budgets” (Janson 1). Back in 1857 the economy was bad but gambling didn’t even become stunned by the economy. “Despite a clouded economy, wagering is up in all three states in each of the last three years in almost every form of legalized gambling” (Janson 2). Back then it was making a killing. We can only imagine what it is bringing in now. Gambling is the sole reason to go to Las Vegas.

Legalized gambling states

Who would want to go a desert on vacation where temperatures can get into the hundreds? Gambling is the only thing that is going for Las Vegas. With out gambling no one would go, and look at how much money Las Vegas is bring in off of the tourists coming from all over the world, all because of gambling. So when people do gamble where does the money go? Where gambling in legal money gets divided up. “84% returned to the public, 15% for commission, and 1% breakage or surplus” (Freeman 167). This shows that at the racetracks 84% go back to the people who are gambling, 15% goes to the brokers, and 1% is the breakage or surplus.

That is how the money works in the racetracks. Each state deals with the money differently though. “These percentages include the deductions for monies for both Track and State. Each state has laws specifying the division of this percentage between Track and State. Some states use a sliding scale. The higher the volume of business, the higher the percentage paid to the state” (Freeman 166). As shown here the state taxes are included. Also, commission is used in all racetracks, and this provided jobs for many people. Another good reason why gambling should be legalized is because people can make a ton of money.

If people would be smart about things they could maximizes their profits. These people are called pros. Professional poker players, like Johnny Moss, make all their money from playing cards. Gambling, if done right, can be easy pickings for people. “Gambling is a calculated technique for making money” (Thompson 27). Basically this is saying that if people are not stupid with their money that they will win. For example, if a person is playing Texas Hold’em, a type of poker, then they should only play superior starting hands like Ace King, or Ace Ace.

The reasoning behind this is because these starting hands have the best odds or chances of winning. By calculating odds people can beat the game. As mentioned before, gambling can be beat. A good way to make money is to play games where the people have control. Luck can only take a person so far. In casinos, most of the games, like the slot machines and roulette, have odds favoring the house or the casino. It is wise to stay away form these games. Instead, people should play poker or blackjack, where there is a little more skill involved. Luck can only take a person so far.

According to Basil Nestor “Luck has an influence, but skill has a more pronounced effect” (13). This means in the long run, skill will produce more money. In card games there is a rake. The rake is a percentage of the winnings that goes to the house or casino. This is how the casino makes money of the game. For example, if a person just won a $100 pot in poker and the casino rakes ten percent, then that person would only get $90. Another nice thing about casinos is that the more a person gambles, the more they will get. Casinos always give out free things.

For the high rollers, or people that spend a lot of time and a lot of money gambling, casinos usually give them free rooms and free tickets to shows. If a person is doing well, the casino may give them free food or free money to play with. There reason for this is to keep that player there. Statistically, the house or casino has better odds, meaning that the chances of a person winning are lower than even. So, eventually the casino will win. So, they try to keep that player there for as long as they can because they think the odds will catch up with them, but as mentioned before there are ways around that

Gambling will help our state out tremendously. The state could use more jobs. Some taxes will go down. It just seems to be a no brainer. Why would we not legalize gambling? People say that it will ruin homes and lead to addiction. Well, for all those people that are concerned about that, don’t gamble. No one will twist your arm to gamble. Gambling will bring so much to the state of Pennsylvania. All the tourist will need a place to stay. That’s where our local hotel and motels come in. The business will increase drastically. All the tourists will need a place to eat.

Our restaurants will serve that purpose. With all this, all these businesses will need to up keep with everything. So, as a result, there will be more jobs available. The casinos will also cause taxes to go down. With all the money the state will be receiving from the casinos, they won’t need to tax the people of the state. We already have the lottery and bingo and, these are forms of gambling. How come the lottery and bingo are exactable to our society and games like poker and blackjack are not? Is there that much of a difference? Gambling will do more good than bad.

Gambling Essay Examples

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Get your custom EssayEssayDownload file to see previous pages The legalization of marijuana is the focus of contemporary debate in the US. Colorado and Washington have legalized its use and several other states appear poised to follow suit. Legal penalties for the possession of marijuana are being lifted and decriminalized. This legalization of marijuana is extremely bad for society and deserves to be strongly opposed. Marijuana should not be legalized in the US because it has adverse health effects, and legalization will increase its use and its cost burdens. Marijuana has adverse physical and mental effects, as illustrated by the health problems associated with its usage. According to the National Institute on Drug Usage, marijuana smoking affects the brain and leads to impaired short-term memory, perception, judgment and motor skills. Marijuana users also experience difficulty in concentration, trance-like states, lowered driving and other psychomotor skills, slowed reaction time, impaired goal-directed mental activity, and altered peripheral vision. In another example in the New England Journal of Medicine, 45% of reckless drivers (excluding those under the influence of alcohol), tested positive for marijuana. Intense anxiety, panic attacks or paranoia are also seen in cases of marijuana usage. Marijuana cigarettes contain the carcinogen Benzopyrene which is linked to lung cancer. Other symptoms include airway injury, acute and chronic bronchitis, inflamed sinuses, lung inflammation, and vulnerability to pulmonary infection. Marijuana weakens the body’s immune system and leads to decreased motivation. It affects the hormones, resulting in delayed puberty, low sperm count and menstrual disruption (Frontline). The legalization of marijuana will increase its availability and its use. This is particularly disturbing as “Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, with nearly 17 million Americans age 12 and older reporting past?month use, and 374,000 people entering an emergency room annually with a primary marijuana problem” (White House web site). Legalization would naturally result in a steep fall in marijuana prices, making it affordable to more users, especially adolescents. This is illustrated by the case of gambling, tobacco and alcohol: statistics show that legalization increased use and availability. The Netherlands is a real-time example. Data from the Rand Corp. shows that, with marijuana legalization, its use “increased consistently and sharply” and tripled among young adults. Legalization “triggered commercialization” (Sabet). This result will be multiplied in America's ad-driven culture. The promise of profit will encourage aggressive marketing. Closer to home, we have the example of Alaska. Alaska legalized marijuana in the 1970’s. Subsequently, “teen marijuana use jumped to twice the national average” (CNBC). The state recriminalized marijuana in 1990. The legalization of marijuana will increase cost burdens. The tax revenue generated through the legalization of marijuana will be off-set by higher social costs. This is again illustrated by the precedent of tobacco and alcohol. The Federal and State tax on alcohol is “less than 10 percent of the estimated $185 billion in alcohol?related costs to health care, criminal justice, and the workplace in lost productivity” (White House). Similarly, the annual social cost of smoking lags far behind the tax revenue generated by tobacco. It is estimated that 9 percent of marijuana ...Download file to see next pagesRead More